Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Trout Inlay

This is a recently completed belt buckle for a customer's father. I call it Mr. Trouty Pants. I actually stole the idea from another inlay artist, the amazing Craig Lavin. Thanks to Craig for his blessings.

The fish is about 1.5 inches long, to give you a sense of the scale (no pun intended). The materials are white river shell (belly), black mother of pearl (topmost layer of fish), pink mussel shell (next layer down), gold mother of pearl (next layer down, and smaller fins, as well as mayfly body and wings), brown lip mother of pearl (tail and dorsal fin), and nickel silver (mayfly's tail thingy). The wood is Macassar Ebony.

1 comment:

  1. I am in need of a new snider guitar blog entry. what gives?
